The data room software is an excellent solution for automating business work transactions in the enterprise. Employees and contractors will appreciate the complete functionality and reliability and, undoubtedly, work with documents, personnel, and deals will speed up several times. So, how secure is data room software?

Data room: how to conduct business operations securely?

Due to the success of digital technologies, data security and trustworthiness play a crucial role when choosing a software solution. The current statistics reveal that Internet users’ confidence in data security has reached a new high. While 13 percent of those surveyed believed their data was safe in 2014, it was already 27 percent in 2019 – and the trend is rising. Of course, the reduced paper consumption promotes sustainable work and supports the change to a structured, tidy, and clear paperless office.

Data protection is an integral part of every business transaction. Of course, the issue of data protection also plays an important role in the due diligence check. A large amount of data, which can also include personal data, is made available to the examiner for carrying out the assessment. For example, as part of the due diligence check, business data and data from natural persons can be processed. In addition, the later use of an acquired company’s data also plays a decisive role, and it is therefore essential that the data has also been collected lawfully.

Companies transfer their processes into virtual data room workspace to ensure data security in business operations. Following, it is an automated software solution for organizing, protecting, collecting, digitizing, labeling, approving, and performing tasks on business files.

Why is the data room the most reliable business solution?

There are the following data room features that make this software a reliable solution for confidential business operations:

  • Ensuring secure access

Authentication and differentiation of user rights provide secure access to data within the software. Everyone usually understands this point as the security of the data room, which often limits the system security concept. Here it is necessary to focus on authentication methods. The most common of them, of course, is the password. The main problems that greatly reduce the reliability of this method are the human factor. Even if you force the user to use a correctly generated password, in most cases, it can be easily found on a piece of paper on the table or under the keyboard, and especially “talented” people usually attach it directly to the monitor.

The oldest authentication method known to the world is proprietary. At one time, the powers of the chest owner were confirmed by keys, today, progress has gone far ahead, and a special information carrier confirms the user’s powers. There are many solutions for property user authentication: these are all kinds of USB keys, smart cards, and “tablets” magnetic cards, including floppy disks and CDs. The human factor is also not excluded here, but the attacker must get the key and find the PIN code.

  • User rights delimitations

Any data room must necessarily provide for the differentiation of user rights – and the more flexible and detailed, the better. The differentiation of rights within the system is technically arranged in different ways: it can be completely its subsystem created by the data room developers. Let it take more time to set up, but we will get a more secure system in the end.

  • Confidentiality

Cryptographic data protection methods have a huge advantage for the confidentiality of information. Their use will allow them not to violate the document’s confidentiality, even if it falls into the hands of a third party.
